Strategic and Business Management Services
In HAC Management Group, Inc., we have designed a Business Management Administration model that has as its purpose; the development of new markets, and the development of companies, in addition to maximizing efficiency and financial and operational effectiveness, for all our clients, this as a result of the interaction of the components of the Organization: People, Processes, and Management, through the integration of sustainable work models, having as a principle and final purpose to allow organizations to achieve their objectives and goals with the greatest effectiveness and ensuring quality, through the use of strategic approaches, tools and corrective actions for the solution of problems.
The Business Management Consulting service has been created to ensure and sustain the processes of growth and continuous improvement of our client's business models. This service covers five thematic areas: Strategic Planning, Process Improvement, New Market Development, Organizational and Human Resources Management, and Accounting and Finance Operational Management.
What is business management?
In a very brief way, the examples of business management refer to the control and administration of all activities related to the generation of value and commercial exchange of a company. Also known by its acronym BPM (Business Process Management), business management consists of a methodology that promotes good business practices through technological integration, helping better decision-making.
In this sense, good business management is one that seeks to continuously improve business processes through constant evaluations of different types of indicators and performance analysis systems that generate productivity reports.

What are business processes?
Business processes are a set of interrelated tasks that are carried out in a specific sequence by the different areas that are part of a company, seeking to achieve specific objectives that are the basis for its development. Therefore, under a certain logic, these processes cause the resolution of a problem or a productive action, thus improving the performance of a company.
Business Management
We offer business advice, through our administrative services, in order that the effectiveness and organizational efficiency of companies are enhanced to the excellence of each area and over the organization.
Using a strategic analysis, where it is evaluated and compared. Working time, contribution margin, and other differentiated processes; According to the needs or demands of our customers.

Our services include but are not limited to:
Organizational Model
Every company contains...
an organizational structure, which is often not respected or modified. Without considering the factors and circumstances of the organization; therefore, it is always advisable to review before performing a deeper analysis of the administration in an entity.
Project Management
Nowadays, every company...
needs project management, both to avoid financial risks and to improve business management. Therefore, a fixed deadline is established to carry out the project and a common objective for all areas. The same ones will be led by each headquarters, with an established budget. Both for administrative expenses, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial expenses, and human talent.
Process Management
It is necessary...
to evaluate the different processes and seek continuous improvement through the administrative methodology we apply. Supporting organizational communication and suggesting procedures based on the experience and circumstances of each area.
Human Talent Management
It is essential...
to know the human talent in companies. Both in the achievement of objectives, as well as the development of competencies within the entity. Therefore, a proven tool capable of developing human capital through its performance and potential is analyzed and applied; Through our Business Administration Services
Budget Analysis
An entity, from...
the moment of its constitution, must make a budget since it is the only way to know if your commercial or service activity is viable, where the detailed income and expenses are considered meticulously through a projected cash flow in the required time. In case you are running the process. It is important to evaluate it to know if it is meeting the projected objectives. Or if it really merits making changes for the benefit of the company.
Monthly Management System
It is meritorious...
to control the different rules and procedures stipulated by the organization. In order to comply with the internal regulations, monitoring and reporting on the developments found; At the time of visits to the operational, administrative, marketing, and accounting areas. Our goal will be to satisfy the needs of customers through an Integral Administration. We provide timely, personalized support so that the goals set as an Organizational Model can be met.
Our services include but are not limited to:
Organizational Model
Every company contains...
an organizational structure, which is often not respected or modified. Without considering the factors and circumstances of the organization; therefore, it is always advisable to review before performing a deeper analysis of the administration in an entity.
Project Management
Nowadays, every company...
needs project management, both to avoid financial risks and to improve business management. Therefore, a fixed deadline is established to carry out the project and a common objective for all areas. The same ones will be led by each headquarters, with an established budget. Both for administrative expenses, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial expenses, and human talent.
Process Management
It is necessary...
to evaluate the different processes and seek continuous improvement through the administrative methodology we apply. Supporting organizational communication and suggesting procedures based on the experience and circumstances of each area.
Human Talent Management
It is essential...
to know the human talent in companies. Both in the achievement of objectives, as well as the development of competencies within the entity. Therefore, a proven tool capable of developing human capital through its performance and potential is analyzed and applied; Through our Business Administration Services
Budget Analysis
An entity, from...
the moment of its constitution, must make a budget since it is the only way to know if your commercial or service activity is viable, where the detailed income and expenses are considered meticulously through a projected cash flow in the required time. In case you are running the process. It is important to evaluate it to know if it is meeting the projected objectives. Or if it really merits making changes for the benefit of the company.
Monthly Management System
It is meritorious...
to control the different rules and procedures stipulated by the organization. In order to comply with the internal regulations, monitoring and reporting on the developments found; At the time of visits to the operational, administrative, marketing, and accounting areas. Our goal will be to satisfy the needs of customers through an Integral Administration. We provide timely, personalized support so that the goals set as an Organizational Model can be met.
Service accounting is the type of accounting approach used by companies specializing in the service sector. It includes accounting related to expenses incurred in providing service and income received. We take care of your financial, accounting, and tax needs so you can focus on growing your core business. Our services include but are not limited to:
Human Resources
We are an alternative for hiring external personnel for companies with our specialized services in human resources. With HR services for business, you'll have less to worry about at work every day and more time for other business operations like sales, marketing, or product development. Our services include but are not limited to:
Development of
International Markets
Once the company has selected the market or markets towards which it will direct its international expansion strategy, it will move on to the phase of choosing the form of entry. The decision will depend on the type of product or service to be exported, the financial commitment that the company is willing to assume, as well as the level of control and coordination of international operations. Our services include but are not limited to the development of:
The different methods of entry are determined according to the nature of the control that can be exercised over the distribution channel and over the products and brands that are marketed in the destination country.